

An Algebraic Approach to Image Schemas for Geographic Space

14 years 9 months ago
An Algebraic Approach to Image Schemas for Geographic Space
Formal models of geographic space should support reasoning about its static and dynamic properties, its objects, their behaviors, and the relationships between them. Image schemas, used to embody spatiotemporal experiential ions, capture high-level perceptual concepts but do not have generally accepted formalizations. This paper provides a method for formally representing topological and physical image schemas using Milner’s bigraphical models. Bigraphs, capable of independently representing mobile locality and connectivity, provide formal algebraic specifications of geographic environments enhanced by intuitive visual representations. Using examples from a built environment, we define topological schemas CONTAINER and LINK as static bigraph components, dynamic schemas INTO and LINKTO as rule-based changes in static components, and more complex schemas REMOVAL_OF_RESTRAINT and BLOCKAGE with sequences of rules. Finally, we demonstrate that bigraphs can be used to describe scenes with ...
Lisa Walton, Michael F. Worboys
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Lisa Walton, Michael F. Worboys
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