

Analysis of Vehicular Roaming through Multiple WLAN APs in Container Terminal

14 years 10 months ago
Analysis of Vehicular Roaming through Multiple WLAN APs in Container Terminal
—This paper reports on measurement results for the simultaneous use of multiple WLAN APs in a large area. We describe some problems of applying legacy IEEE 802.11 WLAN technologies to a freight container terminal as a special application example. We begin by describing the characteristics of IT infrastructures in a container terminal environment. Then we examine S/W application requirements and work processes in a container terminal. One of the key problems based on clients’ complaints is frequent network disconnections. To find the cause of this problem, we observe the characteristics of service clients and collect the raw network data from actual measurements in a container terminal. We transform the collected raw data into meaningful secondary data and analyze the results after verifying our measurement approaches. The goal of this paper is providing a special measurement report and suggesting reasonable solutions for discovered problems.1 Keywords-Vehicular Roaming; Container ...
Hyun-Sung Park, Seung-Ho Han, Jong-Deok Kim
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSE
Authors Hyun-Sung Park, Seung-Ho Han, Jong-Deok Kim
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