

Analyzing consistency properties for fun and profit

13 years 5 months ago
Analyzing consistency properties for fun and profit
:  Analyzing Consistency Properties for Fun and Profit Wojciech Golab, Xiaozhou Li, Mehul A. Shah HP Laboratories HPL-2011-6 data consistency, algorightms, key-value stores Motivated by the increasing popularity of eventually consistent key-value stores as a commercial service, we address two important problems related to the consistency properties in a history of operations on a read/write register (i.e., the start time, finish time, argument, and response of every operation). First, we consider how to detect a consistency violation as soon as one happens. To this end, we formulate a specification for online verification algorithms, and we present such algorithms for several well-known consistency properties. Second, we consider how to quantify the severity of the violations, if a history is found to contain consistency violations. We investigate two quantities: one is the staleness of the reads, and the other is the commonality of violations. For staleness, we further consider tim...
Wojciech M. Golab, Xiaozhou Li, Mehul A. Shah
Added 17 Sep 2011
Updated 17 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where PODC
Authors Wojciech M. Golab, Xiaozhou Li, Mehul A. Shah
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