

Applying Slicing Technique to Software Architectures

14 years 7 months ago
Applying Slicing Technique to Software Architectures
Software architecture is receiving increasingly attention as a critical design level for software systems. As software architecture design resources (in the form of architectural speci cations) are going to be accumulated, the development of techniques and tools to support architectural understanding, testing, reengineering, maintenance, and reuse will become an important issue. This paper introduces a new form of slicing, named architectural slicing, to aid architectural understanding and reuse. In contrast to traditional slicing, architectural slicing is designed to operate on the architectural speci cation of a software system, rather than the source code of a program. Architectural slicing provides knowledge about the high-level structure of a software system, rather than the low-level implementation details of a program. In order to compute an architectural slice, we present the architecture information ow graph which can be used to represent information ows in a software archi...
Jianjun Zhao
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Jianjun Zhao
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