

From asp to web services: identifying key performance areas and indicators for healthcare

14 years 4 months ago
From asp to web services: identifying key performance areas and indicators for healthcare
Value creation from e-business for customers in healthcare is an important topic in academic and practitioner circles. This paper reports the findings from a two-year research study, which found that disappointing results from the much hyped application service provider (ASP) business model, is currently being replaced by perceived new opportunities from Web Services. Yet past failings from ASP do not guarantee future success with web services models, particularly as evidence shows that accruing value added benefits from e-business initiatives is often fraught with difficulty. Healthcare is no exception, and is likely to pose more problems given the complexity of the organisational structures, processes, procedures and activities within this vertical sector. This research study calls for a more rigorous approach in identifying and evaluating key performance areas and indicators from new e-business initiatives involving emerging technologies and platforms such as Web services. Yet the ...
Matthew W. Guah, Wendy L. Currie
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECIS
Authors Matthew W. Guah, Wendy L. Currie
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