

Asymmetric information diffusion via gossiping on static and dynamic networks

13 years 8 months ago
Asymmetric information diffusion via gossiping on static and dynamic networks
In this paper we consider the problem of gossiping in a network to diffuse the average of a sub-set of nodes, called sources, and directing it to another sub-set of nodes in the network called destinations. This case generalizes the typical average consensus gossiping policy, where all nodes are both sources and destinations of the average of the nodes data. We first describe prior results we obtained on a static network topology and gossip policy, highlighting what conditions lead to the desired information flow. We show that, through semidirected flows, this formulation allows to solve the problem with lower complexity than using plain gossiping policies. Inspired by these results, we then move on to design algorithms to solve the problem in the dynamic case. For the dynamic network scenario we derive conditions under which the network converges to the desired result in the limit. We also provide policies that trade-off accuracy with increased mixing speed for the dynamic asymmetric ...
Mehmet Ercan Yildiz, Anna Scaglione, Asuman E. Ozd
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Mehmet Ercan Yildiz, Anna Scaglione, Asuman E. Ozdaglar
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