

Asynchronous Inter-Level Forward-Checking for DisCSPs

15 years 3 months ago
Asynchronous Inter-Level Forward-Checking for DisCSPs
We propose two new asynchronous algorithms for solving Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (DisCSPs). The first algorithm, AFC-ng, is a nogood-based version of Asynchronous Forward Checking (AFC). The second algorithm, Asynchronous Inter-Level Forward-Checking (AILFC), is based on the AFC-ng algorithm and is performed on a pseudo-tree ordering of the constraint graph. AFC-ng and AILFC only need polynomial space. We compare the performance of these algorithms with other DisCSP algorithms on random DisCSPs in two kinds of communication environments: Fast communication and slow communication. Our experiments show that AFC-ng improves on AFC and that AILFC outperforms all compared algorithms in communication load.
Redouane Ezzahir, Christian Bessiere, Mohamed Wahb
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CP
Authors Redouane Ezzahir, Christian Bessiere, Mohamed Wahbi, Imade Benelallam, Houssine Bouyakhf
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