

Automated diagnosis of feature model configurations

13 years 10 months ago
Automated diagnosis of feature model configurations
Software product-lines (SPLs) are software architectures that can be readily reconfigured for different project requirements. A key part of an SPL is a model that captures the rules for reconfiguring the software. SPLs commonly use feature models to capture SPL configuration rules. Each SPL configuration is represented as a selection of features from the feature model. Invalid SPL configurations can be created due to feature conflicts introduced via staged or parallel configuration or changes to the constraints in a feature model. When invalid configurations are created, a method is needed to automate the diagnosis of the errors and repair the feature selections. This paper provides two contributions to research on automated configuration of SPLs. First, it shows how configurations and feature models can be transformed into constraint satisfaction problems to automatically diagnose errors and repair invalid feature selections. Second, it presents empirical results from diagnosing conf...
Jules White, David Benavides, Douglas C. Schmidt,
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JSS
Authors Jules White, David Benavides, Douglas C. Schmidt, Pablo Trinidad, Brian Dougherty, Antonio Ruiz Cortés
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