

Automated lecture recording system with AVCHD camcorder and microserver

14 years 7 months ago
Automated lecture recording system with AVCHD camcorder and microserver
Although recording and streaming lecture videos is becoming popular, large-scale lecture recording is still a difficult task for many universities. Auto lecture recording systems with robotic tripod or smart sensors are too expensive to be standard equipment in many classrooms. A simple solution of humanoperated recording is also resource intensive from the perspective of hiring, training, and managing operators. A possible solution for the problem is the combination of recording with a stationary high-definition camcorder and post-processing of camerawork generation that traces regions of interest. However, automatic recording systems in high-definition are still uncommon and expensive. In this paper, we describe the automated lecture recording system developed in our lab based on years of experience in manual lecture recording in classrooms. In the system, we use an AVCHD camcorder and microserver for automated recording. The camcorder makes high-definition video capture boards unne...
Takayuki Nagai
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Takayuki Nagai
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