

AWE: A robotic wall and reconfigurable desk supporting working life in a digital society

14 years 9 months ago
AWE: A robotic wall and reconfigurable desk supporting working life in a digital society
—“AWE” is a programmable “Animated Work Environment” supporting everyday human activities, at home, work and school, in an increasingly digital society. AWE features a novel robotic “wall,” three horizontal, reconfigurable work surfaces, and embedded information technologies. The video shows AWE as a digital simulation moving through six standard wall-desk configurations, interspersed with still photos and video clips of people interacting with the physical, full-scale, working prototype. The video also shows AWE beginning to behave intelligently as well as users fine-tuning AWE’s configurations by gesturing proximity sensors mounted at the hinges between wall panels. Usability testing suggests that AWE clearly adapts to variations in complex activities involving users working or playing in a single physical space with both physical and digital tools and artifacts. I. OUTLINE OF THE WORK PRESENTED IN THE VIDEO ORKING life is more varied and complex in an increasingly di...
Keith Evan Green, Ian D. Walker, Leo J. Gugerty, J
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IROS
Authors Keith Evan Green, Ian D. Walker, Leo J. Gugerty, James C. Witte, Henrique Houayek, Martha Kwoka, Joe Johnson, Krishna Teja, Nick Kuntzi
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