

Beyond the Model of Persistent TCP Flows: Open-Loop vs Closed-Loop Arrivals of Non-persistent Flows

14 years 9 months ago
Beyond the Model of Persistent TCP Flows: Open-Loop vs Closed-Loop Arrivals of Non-persistent Flows
It is common for simulation and analytical studies to model Internet traffic as an aggregation of mostly persistent TCP flows. In practice, however, flows follow a heavytailed size distribution and their number fluctuates significantly with time. One important issue that has been largely ignored is whether such non-persistent flows arrive in the network in an open-loop (say Poisson) or closed-loop (interactive) manner. This paper focuses on the differences that the TCP flow arrival process introduces in the generated aggregate traffic. We first review the Processor Sharing models for such flow arrival processes as well as the corresponding TCP packet-level models. Then, we focus on the queueing performance that results from each model, and show that the closed-loop model produces lower loss rate and queueing delays than the open-loop model. We explain this difference in terms of the increased traffic variability that the open-loop model produces. The cause of the latter is ...
Ravi S. Prasad, Constantine Dovrolis
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ANSS
Authors Ravi S. Prasad, Constantine Dovrolis
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