

A Class of Probabilistic Automata with a Decidable Value 1 Problem

13 years 10 months ago
A Class of Probabilistic Automata with a Decidable Value 1 Problem
The value 1 problem is a decision problem for probabilistic automata on finite words: given a probabilistic automaton A, are there words accepted by A with probability arbitrarily close to 1? This problem was proved undecidable recently. We introduce a new class of probabilistic automata, called leaktight automata, for which the value 1 problem is decidable. rithm is based on the computation of a monoid abstracting the behaviors of the automaton. The correctness proof relies on algebraic techniques developed by Simon.
Nathanaël Fijalkow, Hugo Gimbert, Youssouf Ou
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Nathanaël Fijalkow, Hugo Gimbert, Youssouf Oualhadj
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