

Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design in Virtual Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design in Virtual Environments
The application designers can usually define their own "virtual environments" by selecting the appropriate computing resources required, or reuse and compose existing environments. The approach is generic by allowing various application domains to benefit from potential hardware and software resources located on remote computing facilities in a simple and intuitive way. The computing resources are defined by services made available as sets of standardized interfaces performing specific tasks: application workflow, input data streams, output visualization tools, monitoring facilities, etc. Services can be composed and hierarchically defined. Transparent access to heterogeneous hardware and software operating systems is guaranteed. An aeroelasticity example in airliner design is given.
Toan Nguyen, Vittorio Selmin
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Toan Nguyen, Vittorio Selmin
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