

A combinatorial optimization framework for subset selection in distributed multiple-radar architectures

13 years 6 months ago
A combinatorial optimization framework for subset selection in distributed multiple-radar architectures
Abstract—Widely distributed multiple radar architectures offer parameter estimation improvement for target localization. For a large number of radars, the achievable localization minimum estimation mean-square error (MSE), with full resource allocation, may extend beyond the system predetermined performance goals. In this paper, a performance driven resource allocation scheme for multiple radar systems is proposed. The number of transmit and receive radars employed in the estimation process is minimized by effectively selecting a subset of active radars such that the required MSE performance threshold is attained. As the goal is to obtain a performance level with the lowest cost, in terms of active system elements, the problem is formulated in a combinatorial optimization framework as a knapsack problem (KP). The Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) is used as a performance metric. Cost parameters, representing operational cost or any other utilization constraints on the radars, are associated wit...
Hana Godrich, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Hana Godrich, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor
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