

CUDA-based Multi-core Implementation of MDS-based Bioinformatics Algorithms

14 years 9 months ago
CUDA-based Multi-core Implementation of MDS-based Bioinformatics Algorithms
: Solving problems in bioinformatics often needs extensive computational power. Current trends in processor architecture, especially massive multi-core processors for graphic cards, combine a large number of cores into a single chip to improve the overall performance. The Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) provides programming interfaces to make full use of the computing power of graphics processing units. We present a way to use CUDA for substantial performance improvement of methods based on multi-dimensional scaling (MDS). The suitability of the CUDA architecture as a high-performance computing platform is studied by adapting a MDS algorithm on specific hardware properties. We show how typical bioinformatics problems related to dimension reduction and network layout benefit from the multi-core implementation of the MDS algorithm. CUDA-based methods are introduced and compared to standard solutions, demonstrating 50-fold acceleration and above.
Thilo Fester, Falk Schreiber, Marc Strickert
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where GCB
Authors Thilo Fester, Falk Schreiber, Marc Strickert
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