

A Data-Driven Paradigm to Understand Multimodal Communication in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction

14 years 1 months ago
A Data-Driven Paradigm to Understand Multimodal Communication in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction
Data-driven knowledge discovery is becoming a new trend in various scientific fields. In light of this, the goal of the present paper is to introduce a novel framework to study one interesting topic in cognitive and behavioral studies -- multimodal communication between human-human and human-robot interaction. We present an overall solution from data capture, through data coding and validation, to data analysis and visualization. In data collection, we have developed a multimodal sensing system to gather fine-grained video, audio and human body movement data. In data analysis, we propose a hybrid solution based on visual data mining and information-theoretic measures. We suggest that this data-driven paradigm will lead not only to breakthroughs in understanding multimodal communication, but will also serve as a successful case study to demonstrate the promise of data-intensive discovery which can be applied in various research topics in cognitive and behavioral studies.
Chen Yu, Thomas G. Smith, Shohei Hidaka, Matthias
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IDA
Authors Chen Yu, Thomas G. Smith, Shohei Hidaka, Matthias Scheutz, Linda B. Smith
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