

Data Narratives: uncovering tensions in personal data management

8 years 10 months ago
Data Narratives: uncovering tensions in personal data management
We present an interview study of 34 participants in the US and Korea who described how they manage their personal data, from work files to family photos. Through their “data narratives” – accounts of their data management practices, including device usage patterns and negotiations with system and brand ecosystems – we explore how individuals negotiate a complex, multi-service, and morally-charged sociotechnical landscape, balancing demands to share and to safeguard their data in appropriate ways against a shifting background of changing technologies, relationships, individuals, and corporations. We describe the guiding framework that people use to make decisions as a “moral economy” of data management, contributing to our understanding of context-specific system choices. Author Keywords Data management; privacy; data sharing; data narratives. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m. Miscellaneous
Janet Vertesi, Jofish Kaye, Samantha N. Jarosewski
Added 01 Apr 2016
Updated 01 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where CSCW
Authors Janet Vertesi, Jofish Kaye, Samantha N. Jarosewski, Vera D. Khovanskaya, Jenna Song
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