

Data-Reuse and Parallel Embedded Architectures for Low-Power, Real-Time Multimedia Applications

14 years 6 months ago
Data-Reuse and Parallel Embedded Architectures for Low-Power, Real-Time Multimedia Applications
Exploitation of data re-use in combination with the use of custom memory hierarchy that exploits the temporal locality of data accesses may introduce significant power savings, especially for dataintensive applications. The effect of the data-reuse decisions on the power dissipation but also on area and performance of multimedia applications realized on multiple embedded cores is explored. The interaction between the data-reuse decisions and the selection of a certain data-memory architecture model is also studied. As demonstrator a widely-used video processing algorithmic kernel, namely the full search motion estimation kernel, is used. Experimental results prove that improvements in both power and performance can be acquired, when the right combination of data memory architecture model and data-reuse transformation is selected.
Dimitrios Soudris, Nikolaos D. Zervas, Antonios Ar
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Dimitrios Soudris, Nikolaos D. Zervas, Antonios Argyriou, Minas Dasygenis, Konstantinos Tatas, Constantinos E. Goutis, Adonios Thanailakis
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