

Demystifying service discovery: implementing an internet-wide scanner

14 years 1 months ago
Demystifying service discovery: implementing an internet-wide scanner
This paper develops a high-performance, Internet-wide service discovery tool, which we call IRLscanner, whose main design objectives have been to maximize politeness at remote networks, allow scanning rates that achieve coverage of the Internet in minutes/hours (rather than weeks/months), and significantly reduce administrator complaints. Using IRLscanner and 24-hour scans, we perform 21 Internet-wide experiments using 6 different protocols (i.e., DNS, HTTP, SMTP, EPMAP, ICMP and UDP ECHO), demonstrate the usefulness of ACK scans in detecting live hosts behind stateless firewalls, and undertake the first Internet-wide OS fingerprinting. In addition, we analyze the feedback generated (e.g., complaints, IDS alarms) and suggest novel approaches for reducing the amount of blowback during similar studies, which should enable researchers to collect valuable experimental data in the future with significantly fewer hurdles. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Meas...
Derek Leonard, Dmitri Loguinov
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IMC
Authors Derek Leonard, Dmitri Loguinov
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