

Deterministic and Statistical Deadline Guarantees for a Mixed Set of Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks

14 years 7 months ago
Deterministic and Statistical Deadline Guarantees for a Mixed Set of Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks
Current hard real-time technologies are unable to support a new class of applications that have real-time constraints but with dynamic request arrivals and unpredictable resource requirements. We propose two new admission control approaches to address this problem. First, we present an efficient schedulability test, called utilization demand analysis, to handle periodic and aperiodic tasks with deterministic execution times. The utilization demand is defined as the processor utilization required for a mixed task set to meet deadlines with certainty, thus for deterministic deadline guarantees. We show that the utilization demand analysis eliminates the need for complicated schedulability analysis and enables on-line admission control. Second, we present a statistical admission control scheme using effective execution times to handle stochastic execution times. Effective execution times are determined from the deadline miss probability demanded by the application and stochastic proper...
Minsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Minsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong
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