

Diagnostic Processing of Japanese for Computer-Assisted Second Language Learning

14 years 4 months ago
Diagnostic Processing of Japanese for Computer-Assisted Second Language Learning
As an application of NLP to computer-assisted language learning(CALL) , we propose a diagnostic processing of Japanese being able to detect errors and inappropriateness of sentences composed by the students in the given situation and the context of the exercise texts. Using LTAG(Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar) formalism, we have implemented a prototype of such a diagnostic parser as a component of a CALL system being developed.
Jun'ichi Kakegawa, Hisayuki Kanda, Eitaro Fujioka,
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ACL
Authors Jun'ichi Kakegawa, Hisayuki Kanda, Eitaro Fujioka, Makoto Itami, Kohji Itoh
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