

The Dimension-Join: A New Index for Data Warehouses

14 years 4 months ago
The Dimension-Join: A New Index for Data Warehouses
There are several auxiliary pre-computed access structures that allow faster answers by reading less base data. Examples are materialized views, join indexes, B-tree and bitmap indexes. This paper proposes dimension-join, a new type of index especially suited for data warehouses. The dimension-join borrows ideas from several concepts. It is a bitmap index, it is a multi-table join and when being used one of the tables is not read to improve performance. It is a multi-table join because it holds information belonging to two tables, which is similar to the join index proposed by Valduriez. However, instead of being composed by the tables' primary keys, the dimension-join index is a bitmap index over the fact table using values from a dimension column. The dimension-join index is very useful when selecting facts depending on dimension tables belonging to snowflakes. The dimension-join represents a direct connection between the fact table and a table in the snowflake that can avoid s...
Pedro Bizarro, Henrique Madeira
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where SBBD
Authors Pedro Bizarro, Henrique Madeira
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