

Direct Factorization by Similarity of Fuzzy Concept Lattices by Factorization of Input Data

14 years 4 months ago
Direct Factorization by Similarity of Fuzzy Concept Lattices by Factorization of Input Data
The paper presents additional results on factorization by similarity of fuzzy concept lattices. A fuzzy concept lattice is a hierarchically ordered collection of clusters extracted from tabular data. The basic idea of factorization by similarity is to have, instead of a possibly large original fuzzy concept lattice, its factor lattice. The factor lattice contains less clusters than the original concept lattice but, at the same time, represents a reasonable approximation of the original concept lattice and provides us with a granular view on the original concept lattice. The factor lattice results by factorization of the original fuzzy concept lattice by a similarity relation. The similarity relation is specified by a user by means of a single parameter, called a similarity threshold. Smaller similarity thresholds lead to smaller factor lattices, i.e. to more comprehensible but less accurate approximations of the original concept lattice. Therefore, factorization by similarity provides ...
Radim Belohlávek, Jan Outrata, Vilém
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CLA
Authors Radim Belohlávek, Jan Outrata, Vilém Vychodil
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