

Discovering Context: Classifying Tweets through a Semantic Transform Based on Wikipedia

13 years 6 months ago
Discovering Context: Classifying Tweets through a Semantic Transform Based on Wikipedia
By mapping messages into a large context, we can compute the distances between them, and then classify them. We test this conjecture on Twitter messages: Messages are mapped onto their most similar Wikipedia pages, and the distances between pages are used as a proxy for the distances between messages. This technique yields more accurate classification of a set of Twitter messages than alternative techniques using string edit distance and latent semantic analysis.
Yegin Genc, Yasuaki Sakamoto, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Added 28 Aug 2011
Updated 28 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where HCI
Authors Yegin Genc, Yasuaki Sakamoto, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
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