

A Dynamic Trust Network for Autonomy-Oriented Partner Finding

14 years 9 months ago
A Dynamic Trust Network for Autonomy-Oriented Partner Finding
The problem of partner finding is to identify which entities (agents) can provide requested services from a group of entities. It can be found in open and distributed environments for such tasks as file sharing and resource allocation. Previous studies have shown that entities can refine and determine partners through measuring trust relationships, i.e., the beliefs of entities that others will accomplish a request for assigned services at hand. Entities dynamically change their beliefs through recalling their past experiences to quickly identify partners for new requests. This paper aims to observe whether those changes can enable entities efficiently find partners and hence provide services. We propose a dynamic network, which contains trust relationships as links among entities (nodes). Then, we investigate its structure and efficiency in the moments with different trust relationships. Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC) is applied to observe how the network dynamics emerge fro...
Hongjun Qiu, Jiming Liu, Ning Zhong
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AMT
Authors Hongjun Qiu, Jiming Liu, Ning Zhong
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