

Edit, inspect and connect your surroundings: a reference framework for meta-UIs

14 years 9 months ago
Edit, inspect and connect your surroundings: a reference framework for meta-UIs
Discovering and unlocking the full potential of complex pervasive environments is still approached in application-centric ways. A set of statically deployed applications often defines the possible interactions within the environment. However, the increasing dynamics of such environments require a more versatile and generic approach which allows the end-user to inspect, configure and control the overall behavior of such an environment. A meta-UI addresses these needs by providing the end-user with an interactive view on a physical or virtual environment which can then be observed and manipulated at runtime. The meta-UI bridges the gap between the providers and the end-users by abstracting a resource’s features as executable activities that can be assembled at runtime to reach a common goal. In order to allow software services to automatically integrate with a pervasive computing environment, the minimal requirements of the environment’s meta-UI must be identified and agreed on. ...
Geert Vanderhulst, Daniel Schreiber, Kris Luyten,
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EICS
Authors Geert Vanderhulst, Daniel Schreiber, Kris Luyten, Max Mühlhäuser, Karin Coninx
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