

From Education to e-Learning : A Union Catalog Service of Learning Resources

14 years 8 months ago
From Education to e-Learning : A Union Catalog Service of Learning Resources
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a new learning method that is receiving an increasing amount of attention in Taiwan. With the rapid growth in learning resources available over the Internet, it has become more difficult for teachers to find useful resources. Although several local service providers (25 counties) in Taiwan are trying to organize their existing resources, each provider only serves the teachers in the local county. In this paper, we propose and implement a union catalog of learning resources, called the “Education to e-Learning” (EtoE) platform, to cover the 25 counties in Taiwan. Generally speaking, EtoE is an OAI-PMH service provider that gathers together all the resources spread over the Internet. It also provides resource browsing with learning skills, full-text/metadata search, personal resource management etc. We anticipate that EtoE will become an important medium between teachers and the local service providers of the 25 counties in Taiwan....
Pei-Xian Kuo, Jyun-Jie Yan, Jan-Ming Ho
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where EEE
Authors Pei-Xian Kuo, Jyun-Jie Yan, Jan-Ming Ho
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