

Effective Delay Control in Online Network Coding

14 years 9 months ago
Effective Delay Control in Online Network Coding
—Motivated by streaming applications with stringent delay constraints, we consider the design of online network coding algorithms with timely delivery guarantees. Assuming that the sender is providing the same data to multiple receivers over independent packet erasure channels, we focus on the case of perfect feedback and heterogeneous erasure probabilities. Based on a general analytical framework for evaluating the decoding delay, we show that existing ARQ schemes fail to ensure that receivers with weak channels are able to recover from packet losses within reasonable time. To overcome this problem, we redefine the encoding rules in order to break the chains of linear combinations that cannot be decoded after one of the packets is lost. Our results show that sending uncoded packets at key times ensures that all the receivers are able to meet specific delay requirements with very high probability.
João Barros, Rui A. Costa, Daniele Munarett
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors João Barros, Rui A. Costa, Daniele Munaretto, Jörg Widmer
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