

Energy-Efficient Transaction Management for Real-Time Mobile Databases in Ad-Hoc Network Environments

14 years 7 months ago
Energy-Efficient Transaction Management for Real-Time Mobile Databases in Ad-Hoc Network Environments
In an ad-hoc mobile network architecture, all the mobile hosts (MHs) are connected with each other through a wireless network that has a frequently changing topology. This type of architecture is used in many applications such as battlefields and disaster recovery where it is difficult or not feasible to depend on a static wired communication infrastructure. These applications are usually time-critical where many of their transactions must not only be executed correctly but also within their deadlines. In addition, the MHs in this environment are not connected to unlimited power supplies and may store data that can be shared by other MHs. Existing mobile database transaction management techniques do not consider the ad-hoc network characteristics, real-time constraints and energy limitation. This paper identifies the issues that need to be addressed in this new environment and proposes approaches for solutions.
Le Gruenwald, Shankar M. Banik
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where MDM
Authors Le Gruenwald, Shankar M. Banik
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