

Exploiting Parallelism to Accelerate Keyword Search on Deep-Web Sources

14 years 10 months ago
Exploiting Parallelism to Accelerate Keyword Search on Deep-Web Sources
Increasingly, biological data is being shared over the deep web. Many biological queries can only be answered by successively searching a number of distinct web-sites. This paper introduces a system that exploits parallelization for accelerating search over multiple deep web data sources. An interactive, two-stage multi-threading system is developed to achieve task parallelization, thread parallelization, and pipelined parallelization. We show the effectiveness of our system by considering a number of queries involving SNP datasets. We show that most of the queries can be accelerated significantly by exploiting these three forms of parallelism.
Tantan Liu, Fan Wang, Gagan Agrawal
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DILS
Authors Tantan Liu, Fan Wang, Gagan Agrawal
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