

Extending the Use of Inference in Temporal Planning as Forwards Search

14 years 4 months ago
Extending the Use of Inference in Temporal Planning as Forwards Search
PDDL2.1 supports modelling of complex temporal planning domains in which solutions must exploit concurrency. Few existing temporal planners can solve problems that require concurrency and those that do typically pay a performance price to deploy reasoning machinery that is not always required. In this paper we show how to improve the performance of forward-search planners that attempt to solve the full temporal planning problem, both by narrowing the use of the concurrency machinery to situations that demand it and also by improving the power of inference to prune redundant branches of the search space for common patterns of interaction in temporal domains that do require concurrency. Results illustrate the effectiveness of our ideas in improving the efficiency of a temporal planner that can solve problems with required concurrency, both in domains that exploit this ability and in those that do not.
Amanda Jane Coles, Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AIPS
Authors Amanda Jane Coles, Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long
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