

Face Image Retrieval by Shape Manipulation

13 years 10 months ago
Face Image Retrieval by Shape Manipulation
Current face image retrieval methods achieve impressive results, but lack efficient ways to refine the search, particularly for geometric face attributes. Users cannot easily find faces with slightly more furrowed brows or specific leftward pose shifts, for example. To address this problem, we propose a new face search technique based on shape manipulation that is complementary to current search engines. Users drag one or a small number of contour points, like the bottom of the chin or the corner of an eyebrow, to search for faces similar in shape to the current face, but with updated geometric attributes specific to their edits. For example, the user can drag a mouth corner to find faces with wider smiles, or the tip of the nose to find faces with a specific pose. As part of our system, we propose (1) a novel confidence score for face alignment results that automatically constructs a contour-aligned face database with reasonable alignment accuracy, (2) a simple and straightf...
Brandon Smith, Shengqi Zhu, Li Zhang
Added 08 Apr 2011
Updated 29 Apr 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CVPR
Authors Brandon Smith, Shengqi Zhu, Li Zhang
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