

Fixed- versus floating-point implementation of MIMO-OFDM detector

13 years 6 months ago
Fixed- versus floating-point implementation of MIMO-OFDM detector
In this paper, we investigate the opportunities offered by floatingpoint arithmetics in enabling an assembly and intrinsics free highlevel language based development. We compare the characteristics of floating- and fixed-point arithmetics by simulating a MIMOOFDM soft output detector in a 3G LTE link level simulator. The hardware complexity and energy dissipation are analyzed by implementing three programmable processors supporting 32- and 12-bit floating-point and 16-bit fixed-point arithmetics. The processors are based on the transport triggered architecture (TTA) that has a very low programmability overhead. The analysis shows that at the same goodput rate a floating-point implementation can achieve a lower gate count and better power efficiency than a fixed-point design.
Janne Janhunen, Perttu Salmela, Olli Silvén
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Janne Janhunen, Perttu Salmela, Olli Silvén, Markku J. Juntti
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