

Fuzzy sets and geometric logic

14 years 1 months ago
Fuzzy sets and geometric logic
H¨ohle has identified fuzzy sets, valued in a frame (complete Heyting algebra) Ω, with certain sheaves over Ω: the subsheaves of constant sheaves More general sheaves can be got as quotients of the fuzzy sets. His principal approach to sheaves over Ω, and topos-theoretic constructions on them, is via complete Ω-valued sets. In this paper we show how the geometric fragment of those constructions can be described in a natural “stalkwise” manner, provided one works also with incomplete Ω-valued sets. Our exposition examines in detail the interactions between different technical expressions of the notion of sheaf, and highlights a conceptual view of sheaf as “continuous set-valued map”.
Steven Vickers
Added 25 Jan 2011
Updated 25 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where FSS
Authors Steven Vickers
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