

Gaming on the edge: using seams in ubicomp games

14 years 8 months ago
Gaming on the edge: using seams in ubicomp games
Outdoor multi-player games are an increasingly popular application area for ubiquitous computing, supporting experimentation both with new technologies and new user experiences. This paper presents an outdoor ubicomp game that exploits the gaps or seams that exist in complex computer systems. Treasure is designed so that players move in and out of areas of wireless network coverage, taking advantage not only of the connectivity within a wireless ‘hotspot’ but of the lack of connectivity outside it. More broadly, this paper discusses how the notion of seamful design can be a source of design ideas for ubicomp games. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Matthew Chalmers, Marek Bell, Barry Brown, Malcolm
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Matthew Chalmers, Marek Bell, Barry Brown, Malcolm Hall, Scott Sherwood, Paul Tennent
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