

Graph classes characterized both by forbidden subgraphs and degree sequences

14 years 3 months ago
Graph classes characterized both by forbidden subgraphs and degree sequences
: Given a set F of graphs, a graph G is F-free if G does not contain any member of F as an induced subgraph. We say that F is a degree-sequence-forcing set if, for each graph G in the class C of F-free graphs, every realization of the degree sequence of G is also in C. We give a complete characterization of the degree-sequence-forcing sets F when F has cardinality at most two.
Michael D. Barrus, Mohit Kumbhat, Stephen G. Hartk
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JGT
Authors Michael D. Barrus, Mohit Kumbhat, Stephen G. Hartke
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