

The GRED Graphical Editor for the GRADE Parallel Program Development Environment

14 years 7 months ago
The GRED Graphical Editor for the GRADE Parallel Program Development Environment
In this paper, we describe a graphical editor GRED as part of the integrated programming environment GRADE that is intended to support designing, debugging and performance tuning of messagepassing programs running on a heterogeneous network of computers. The GRED editor hides the cumbersome details of the underlying lowlevel message-passing system (which is currently the PVM system) by providing visual abstractions but allows the programmer to define local computations of the individual processes in C (or in Fortran in the future) independently from the visually supported process management and inter-process communication activities. Visual representatation of the critical (i.e. message-passing related) parts of the code can help the user in grasping the complex structure and runtime behavior of the whole parallel application, even if he or she is not an expert in the field of concurrent programming.
Péter Kacsuk, Gábor Dózsa, Ti
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where HPCN
Authors Péter Kacsuk, Gábor Dózsa, Tibor Fadgyas, Róbert Lovas
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