

Information visualization for an intrusion detection system

14 years 8 months ago
Information visualization for an intrusion detection system
— Spatial hypertext was developed from studies of how humans deal with information overflow particularly in situations where data needed to be interpreted quickly. Intrusion detection requires security managers of large networks to rapidly respond (often in real-time) to masses of information. Users of such systems need to recognize large developing patterns in masses of data, they prefer to work individually (although they must function in collaborative groups), and they rely on their intuitions more than deductive logic. Such users have particular personality characteristics and job needs which can be well served by interfaces which use a spatial hypertext model. Also, like most users, they prefer to be in charge of the process that they use the computer as a tool to assist with. The architecture proposed in this article is based on spatial hypertext and machine learning. That interface design allows for a great deal of interface flexibility and user control. The article discusse...
James Blustein, Ching-Lung Fu, Daniel L. Silver
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where HT
Authors James Blustein, Ching-Lung Fu, Daniel L. Silver
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