

Inspecting a Set of Strips Optimally

14 years 8 months ago
Inspecting a Set of Strips Optimally
We consider a set of axis-parallel nonintersecting strips in the plane. An observer starts to the left of all strips and ends to the right, thus visiting all strips in the given order. A strip is inspected as long as the observer is inside the strip. How should the observer move to inspect all strips? We use the path length outside a strip as a quality measure which should be minimized. Therefore, we would like to find a directed path that minimizes the maximal measure among all strips. We present an optimal algorithm designed according to the structural properties of the optimal solution.
Tom Kamphans, Elmar Langetepe
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WADS
Authors Tom Kamphans, Elmar Langetepe
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