

Integer representations of convex polygon intersection graphs

13 years 6 months ago
Integer representations of convex polygon intersection graphs
Abstract. We study the grid size that is needed to represent intersection graphs of convex polygons. Here the polygons are similar to a base polygon P whose corners have rational coordinates and each corner of each polygon in the representation must lie on a point of the integer grid. We provide constructions to show that for intersection graphs of - translated copies of any fixed parallelogram a Ω(n2 ) × Ω(n2 ) grid is needed for some graphs; - translated copies of any other fixed convex polygon a 2Ω(n) × 2Ω(n) grid is needed for some graphs; - homothetic copies of any fixed convex polygon a 2Ω(n) × 2Ω(n) grid is needed for some graphs. We complement these results by giving a matching upper bound in each case.
Tobias Müller, Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Jan van
Added 25 Aug 2011
Updated 25 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Tobias Müller, Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Jan van Leeuwen
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