

Integration of rule-based and model-based decision methods for baseball event detection

14 years 8 months ago
Integration of rule-based and model-based decision methods for baseball event detection
To exactly detect what events occur in baseball games, a framework that integrates rule-based and model-based decision methods is proposed. The rule-based decision module infers what happened by checking the information changes in the caption. The model-based decision module further classifies the events that could not be explicitly determined by checking caption information only. Thirteen events, including hit, double, home run, and so on, are considered in this work. The promising experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed framework and facilitate the development of advanced video applications.
Wei-Ta Chu, Ja-Ling Wu
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Wei-Ta Chu, Ja-Ling Wu
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