

Internet Diffusion and E-Business Opportunities Amongst Malaysian Travel Agencies

14 years 8 months ago
Internet Diffusion and E-Business Opportunities Amongst Malaysian Travel Agencies
This paper reports an investigation into the adoption of the Internet amongst Malaysian travel agencies as a means of exploring the likely future potential growth of e-business within the industry. The study reveals that the Malaysian travel agencies are very positive towards e-business. Nonetheless, the Internet usage amongst the agencies is still in an early stage, and the rate of adoption of e-business practices is slow. The findings in this study were compared with those from previous studies using similar models and it was found that cultural issues are important in explaining the adoption rate of the Internet in Malaysian travel agencies. Keywords Internet, E-business, diffusion of innovation, Malaysian travel agencies, travel, culture The advancement of technology such as the Internet and e-commerce has changed the fundamental role and tasks of a travel agency in disseminating its products and services in the marketplace. The role of the travel agency has become a major focus s...
Raja Mazhatul Yasmin Suraya
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CITA
Authors Raja Mazhatul Yasmin Suraya
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