

Mobile robot global localization using differential evolution and particle swarm optimization

14 years 6 months ago
Mobile robot global localization using differential evolution and particle swarm optimization
For a mobile robot to move in a known environment and operate successfully, first it needs to robustly determine its initial position and orientation relative to the map, and then update its position while moving in the environment. Thus determining robot's position is one of the most important tasks in mobile robotics. This task consists of "global localization" and "robot's pose tracking". In this paper two recent sample-based evolutionary methods for globally localizing the position of a mobile robot are proposed. The first method is a modified version of genetic algorithm called Differential Evolution (DE) which is based on natural selection. The second one is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) which is based on bird flocking. DE evaluates initial population using the probabilistic motion and observation models and the evolution of the individuals is performed by evolutionary operators. PSO adjusts the velocity and location of particles towards target (...
Ali R. Vahdat, Naser NourAshrafoddin, Saeed Shiry
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CEC
Authors Ali R. Vahdat, Naser NourAshrafoddin, Saeed Shiry Ghidary
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