

Modeling and Analysis of a Virtual Reality System with Time Petri Nets

14 years 7 months ago
Modeling and Analysis of a Virtual Reality System with Time Petri Nets
The design, implementation, and testing of virtual environments is complicated by the concurrency and realtime features of these systems. Therefore, the development of formal methods for modeling and analysis of virtual environments is highly desirable. In the past, Petri-net models have led to good empirical results in the automatic veri cation of concurrent and real-time systems. We applied a timed extension of Petri nets to modeling and analysis of the CAVETM1 virtual environment at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Here, we report on our time Petri net model and on empirical studies that we conducted with the Cabernet toolset from Politecnico di Milano. Our experiments uncovered a aw in the way a shared bu er is used by CAVE processes. Due to an erroneous synchronization on the bu er, di erent CAVE walls can simultaneously display images based on di erent input information. We conclude from our empirical studies that Petri-net-based tools can e ectively support the developmen...
Rajesh Mascarenhas, Dinkar Karumuri, Ugo A. Buy, R
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICSE
Authors Rajesh Mascarenhas, Dinkar Karumuri, Ugo A. Buy, Robert V. Kenyon
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