

Nature: a prototype digital archive

14 years 11 days ago
Nature: a prototype digital archive
In response to the proposal to digitise the journal Nature (1869->1992), published by Macmillan, a pilot project was commissioned to discover the technical issues and ascertain costs. The initial conversion and digitisation elements are being provided by the Higher Education Digitisation Service, University of Hertfordshire, (HEDS) whilst Manchester Computing, University of Manchester, is providing all the data management and access elements. This report details the processes so far undertaken, the results ascertained from these pilot processes and the techniques used. The pilot, though not complete, is now at the stage where certain conclusions can be drawn from the progress made so far. This is also the point at which further progress requires certain decisions regarding format and techniques to be focused and validated. 1 The Journal Nature Nature, was first published in 1869 and has been a weekly science journal to the current day. The journal's objectives were stated in t...
Ross MacIntyre, Simon Tanner
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where JODL
Authors Ross MacIntyre, Simon Tanner
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