

Null Keys: Limiting Malicious Attacks Via Null Space Properties of Network Coding

14 years 9 months ago
Null Keys: Limiting Malicious Attacks Via Null Space Properties of Network Coding
—The performance of randomized network coding can suffer significantly when malicious nodes corrupt the content of the exchanged blocks. Previous work have introduced error correcting codes by generalizing some well known bounds in coding theory. Such codes are based on introducing redundancy in space domain. Other approaches require the use of homomorphic hashing functions, which are computationally expensive. In this paper, we present a novel and computationally efficient security algorithm, referred to as Null Keys, to detect and contain malicious attacks based on the subspace properties of random linear network coding. The participating nodes verify the integrity of a block by checking if it belongs to the subspace spanned by the source blocks. This is possible when every node has a vector orthogonal to all the combinations of the source blocks. These vectors, referred to as null keys, belong to the null space of the source blocks and go through a random combination when distri...
Elias Kehdi, Baochun Li
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Elias Kehdi, Baochun Li
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