

Ontology Based Analysis of Experimental Data

14 years 8 months ago
Ontology Based Analysis of Experimental Data
We address the problem of linking observations from reality to a semantic web based knowledge base. Concepts in the biological domain are increasingly being formalized through ontologies, with an increasing adoption of semantic web standards. At the same time biology is becoming a datacentric science, since the increasing availability of high throughput technologies yields a humanly intractable amount of data describing the behavior of biological systems at the molecular level. This creates the need for automated support to interpret biological data given the pre-existing knowledge about the biological systems under study. While this is currently addressed through the analysis of attributes associated to biological entities, the availability of ontologies that represent biological systems makes it possible to improve the extent to which pre-existing knowledge can be used. The semantic web, in particular, provides a framework to integrate and create a formalized biological knowledge ba...
Andrea Splendiani
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Andrea Splendiani
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