

Optimizing wireless networks for heterogeneous spatial loads

14 years 10 months ago
Optimizing wireless networks for heterogeneous spatial loads
—Large-scale wireless networks must be designed such that there are no gaps in coverage. It is also desirable to minimize the number of access points used in order to minimize the cost of equipment, installation and maintenance. In this paper, we propose a grid-based approximation algorithm to compute the placement of access points. The algorithm minimizes the number of access points required while ensuring that the received SNR at each location is sufficient to meet the offered load at that location. The algorithm can be used when the offered load is spatially non-homogenous or when access points can be operated in different modes. The proposed algorithm is guaranteed to find a solution with at most O(copt log copt) access points, if there exists a solution to the access point placement problem using copt access points.
Balaji Rengarajan, Gustavo de Veciana
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CISS
Authors Balaji Rengarajan, Gustavo de Veciana
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