

Outlier Detection with One-class Kernel Fisher Discriminants

14 years 4 months ago
Outlier Detection with One-class Kernel Fisher Discriminants
The problem of detecting "atypical objects" or "outliers" is one of the classical topics in (robust) statistics. Recently, it has been proposed to address this problem by means of one-class SVM classifiers. The main conceptual shortcoming of most one-class approaches, however, is that in a strict sense they are unable to detect outliers, since the expected fraction of outliers has to be specified in advance. The method presented in this paper overcomes this problem by relating kernelized one-class classification to Gaussian density estimation in the induced feature space. Having established this relation, it is possible to identify "atypical objects" by quantifying their deviations from the Gaussian model. For RBF kernels it is shown that the Gaussian model is "rich enough" in the sense that it asymptotically provides an unbiased estimator for the true density. In order to overcome the inherent model selection problem, a cross-validated likeliho...
Volker Roth
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where NIPS
Authors Volker Roth
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