

Planned and Traversable Play-Out: A Flexible Method for Executing Scenario-Based Programs,

14 years 9 months ago
Planned and Traversable Play-Out: A Flexible Method for Executing Scenario-Based Programs,
We introduce a novel approach to the smart execution of scenario-based models of reactive systems, such as those resulting from the multi-modal inter-object language of live sequence charts (LSCs). Our approach finds multiple execution paths from a given state of the system, and allows the user to interactively traverse them. The method is based on translating the problem of finding a superstep of execution into a problem in the AI planning domain, and issuing a known planning algorithm, which we have had to modify and strengthen for our purposes.
David Harel, Itai Segall
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors David Harel, Itai Segall
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